(2020) Greatest Scams Ever

Every 50 To 200 Adult are victim of scam every year basis. The number is always rising every year according to Federal trade Commission.

Here are some scam People easily Fall Into


This is a fraudulent act use by fraud stars, by creating a legit identity Making the victim having trust on him or her inother to steal there personal password, credit card, login credentials etc. They later makes use of the identity to steal fund's, purchase items even collecting sensitive information from the victim, phishing is usually use by bankers, service company and mortgage company. 

2. Work At Home Scam :

 “Be part of one of  Fastest Growing Industries. Be the Boss!Earn thousands of money a month from home!”,  Am sure everyone have seen this advert on website,blogs, billboard's, posters almost every where, Not all are True, though the job are different but the same messages,  some even go to the extent of telling you they will pay you back if the job isn't good enough. Let me tell you most of this works are 80 percent scam only few are legit and the legit one's doesn't pay you what they show on their advert. 

3. Phony sweepstakes, lotteries, and prizes: 

Who don't want to win a big lottery , Everyone want to win. This method is very effective to use especially to the individual who plays lottery, they try to trick you by claiming you have won a huge amount of money from your lottery you played and you should send some amount of money to claim instantly. 

4. Nigerian Scam:

This method is the most common method of Scamming people in Nigeria, it's mostly used in Nigeria that why I gave it the name Nigeria Scam, what the scammer have to do is just to send you an email claiming To be Nigerian official, businessperson or the surviving spouse of a former government official. He or she offers to transfer millions of dollars into your bank account in exchange for a fee in this case, not a small fee, either. If you respond you will received an  official certificate. Of course you are going to loose all your money and never see a dime of the money they promised. 

5. Employment Scam :

Due to the resuit of Covid-19 outbreak, so many people have been rendered jobless and hopeless, which scammer take advantage by offering a potential job vacancy , then ask them to pay certain of money for training and equipment purchase. After the payment they block the victim.
6. Ponzi scheme: 

This method Is already known to most people but still find it difficult to Know which platform is base on Ponzi scheme, if you want to Know the platform you are into is based on Ponzi or not , you need to take note of the following.
  • They promise Unimaginable Return On investment
  • The Interest returns are too fast
  • They don't show there licensed documents
  • They don't last more than 1 year of operation.

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