The Reason Behind Increase In Rape Pandemic In Nigeria

In a country divided by Two world most  dominant religion's, Islam and Christianity  who's doctrines and beliefs go  against Rape
and sexual abuse , still  find it challenging  to eradicate  or even reduce the number of cases on rape and sexual abuse. Rape generally have become a serious Pandemic in Nigeria which occur daily basis, when I turn my TV , radio, internet the first message am getting into my head is about a new rape episode, have our religion and government failed Us ?.
Have made some research on some reason Rape and sexual abuse have become a serious Problem in our society, which  victim can be both gender either the Female/Male.
Rape is “The penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim.” 
 While sexual abuse is any form of forced or unwanted sexual activity. The perpetrator of sexual abuse may use physical force, make threats or take advantage of a person unable to give consent.

Sexual abuse mainly happens between people who know each other and can occur in the context of domestic violence.

The Reason Behind Increase In Rape Pandemic In Nigeria

.Lack Of Proper Home training:  So many parents should be hold responsible for not Educating there children both gender about sex education rather they  stick to the female one's having the thought the male child can't be sexually Abuse or being the Victimizer of the abuse, while the female should be thought some steps to take when encounter with such a situation like "if you feel you are in danger of being attacked try to escape the situation by running away from it if you can", "Stay alert and aware. Know where the exits are if you are in a building"

Citizen Mindset towards the Government: There will still be an increase in the rate of rape and sexual abuse if we the citizen doesn't change our Mindset about the government , we have heard about cases where rape incident have been reported to the police and they didn't work on it or asked for huge amount of money to investigate which makes it difficult for victim to open up to them, they rather keep it to them self.

Tradition and Gender Role:  Prescribing female submission and male dominance are linked to rape. Some people hold beliefs justifying rape more strongly than others. Men who rape tend to believe more strongly in myths about rape, and they are more likely to engage in fantasies about coercive sex Compared with other men, rapists drink more heavily, begin having sexual experiences earlier, and are more likely to have been physically or sexually abused as children.

Bad Sociality influence:  The main problem of this great country is our society where a lady is more respected walking half naked, hard drugs consumption by the youth is at the high, increase in Pornography in our  Nollyhood movies, increase in security and so on.

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