How To Secure Your Home from Burglar Without Alarm

Everyone likes decorating his/her home rather than setting up security measures. But do you know Burglars Attacks every household every 20.5 seconds, that is really why every household should make Home security their no 1 priority.
 So you can follow this Steps to prevent burglar from getting into your house and loves one's.

1. Lighting Of The House: We all know burglar don't find it Easy when carrying out there operation in a Spotlight environment, so make sure you try inserting or repairing your damaged light Bob especially the front and back door/windows light. In-case of power shortage solar power Bob are the best , you can also use motion activation light which makes it faster for you to know when someone is trying to attack.

2. Stronger Door's: The easiest way and faster ways for a burglar to get into your home is the Door expecaily the front door, so make sure when you purchase a house previously Owned by someone change the front and back door locks.

3. Close Window : locks of windows is usually not strong so make sure you Change them when damaged because Door and windows are the commonly ways to get into your house, and make sure you close all window when it's dark and leaving the house in the morning.

4. Getting A Dog: The Warning sign of a Dog in your house can scare away some burglar but some can still be adamant and still try to strike but training a dog can help to attack the intruder and also notify you before they get to your family.

5. Eliminating Hiding Place: Cutting down of trees and bushes around  the house help in preventing a hiding place for intruder to stay.

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